New Sample Collection Center Established in Greater Male Area, More PCR Testing Facilities Upcoming in 4 Atolls

Health Protection Agency has announced that from now on, Social Center will act as a sample collection center. This makes a total of 6 operational sample collection centers across the Greater Male Region. They are Flu Clinics at Male Hiya, Senahiya, and Hulhumale Flu Clinic, Senahiya, and the sample collection center at H. Muni Ufaa.  

The newly established sample collection center will operate from 1 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. People visiting the center are advised to use the western gate near footbridge of Rasfannu. 

In addition, HEOC informed that efforts are in place to build PCR Testing facilities in the atolls of R, Lh, L, and G.Dh. to increase the testing capacity in the islands. At current, 5 regions across the country are equipped to conduct PCR Testing.  

Speaking in a press conference, Spokesperson of the President’s Office, Mabrook mentioned that each newly build facility will have the capacity to carry out 300 tests per day. The set timeline for the completion of the project is an average of one month. However, extra time might be required to fully setup the machinery required to carry out the testing. The Ministry of Health has asked for staff who require training at the new facilities to report to the ministry.  

Even with restrictive measures in place across the nation, the number of positive cases has been on the rise. Over 70 islands have ongoing restrictive measures and further restrictive measures are being discussed to be imposed in the Greater Male’ Region.