Education Minister Takes Part in UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development 2030

The UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development 2030 is a global conference organized by UNESCO as part of their call for Education for Sustainable Development to be a core component of all education systems at all levels by 2025 so that we can all #LearnForOurPlanet and act for sustainability. This year, the conference was held virtually in Berlin, Germany, from May 17 to 19, 2021.  

Representing the Asia and Pacific Region, Education Minister, Aishath Ali participated in the concluding ceremony of the event on Wednesday. She addressed over 180 countries that joined in the 3-day event and highlighted key developments in the Maldives aimed to integrate SD2030 strategies into the nation’s current policies.  

Minister highlighted on 3 recent developments: 

  • The Education Act that stipulates education for sustainable development as an objective of schooling, making it a legal imperative. 
  • The review of the national Curriculum that is in progress which gives us the opportunity to integrate the curricular and pedagogical requirements of ESD2030 in to the school curriculum. 
  • The National Resilience and Recovery plan which propagates the governmental efforts to build our economy post-Covid.  

The UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development 2030 was a global discussion on why education needs to transform and what nations doing to make it happen. Participants committed to taking concrete steps to transform learning for the survival of our planet by adopting ESD2030.