Data Bundles, Booster Packs, Grand Giveaway and More for Eid with Dhiraagu

Announced on Thursday, Dhiraagu has rolled out a number of exciting offers and a giveaway in celebration of the holy Eid-Al-Fitr. The special data packs and boosters can be activated by end of today, but you have until end of day tomorrow to participate in the giveaway. So, hurry! Below are all the details you will need. 

Eid Special Data Bundles 
All prepaid and postpaid customers can enjoy DOUBLE the DATA with Eid Special MObile Data Bundles! 
Eid 7GB Bundle - 3GB + 2GB (Social Media) + 3GB (DhiraaguTV) 
Eid 14GB Bundle - 8GB + 2GB (Social Media) + 4GB (DhiraaguTV) 

Eid Special FBB Booster 
For just MVR 45/- you can get the Eid Special Fibre Broadband 20GB Booster! Booster is valid till the end of the month. 

Offers can be activated before end of today by downloading the Dhiraagu App. Dhiraagu is also donating 10% of all the purchases to Maldives Thalassaemia Society. 

And now, for the grand giveaway! 

Eid Moments